Stockholm Syndrome

The count down has begun! In a few weeks time I will be heading north to this place for a few days holiday:

As breaks go, my trip to Stockholm is one that I am particularly looking forward to. I have always been curious about this part of the world, as a land that can boast the genesis of ABBA, Europe (the eighties pop group) and Ikea promises to be completely ecclectic. My knowledge of the place is not extensive though – apart from being able to name it as Swedens capital, that it is comprised of a number of islands, the only other things I can tell you about Stockholm is that it’s population is just under 800,000 people, and that loads of blonde women live there. For me it is a place of mystery.

My main concern is the living costs. I remember someone at work saying that Stockholm was on a par with London in terms of things such as the price of eating out, but other rumours suggest that it is close to the £6.00 pounds per pint mark that is apparently typical in Scandanavia. I guess the truth will soon be revealed. Another thing I am trying to find out is what sort of things you can do in Stockholm – if anyone out there knows of interesting places in the town worth seeing, or beer festival type events worth going to, just drop me a line!

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2 Responses to Stockholm Syndrome

  1. leafless says:

    It’s a beautiful city. You’ll enjoy your visit there.

  2. royiii says:

    Thank’s leafless. I have bought a guide book now so I should be able to work out places to go.

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