Social disaster dilemma!

I’m sure you’ve all heard that infamous proverb about buses – the one about nothing turning up for ages and then two come at once. That neatly sums up where I am at the moment in respect of nights out – I’ve managed to get my self signed up for two different events on the same evening.

The reason is a bit of absent mindedness on my part and inaccurate forward planning – I agreed to go along to these quite a long time back – you know how easy it is to agree to stuff that is happening far off in the future. I also forgot about one of the events when I agreed to go to the other, so as you can tell, the seeds of social disaster were well and truly sown!

As it stands, I have to decide which to go to. The choices are as follows:

1) A pub quiz in Kingston. This is being hosted by someone at the Kingston voluntary Organisation where I work, and he is being assisted in the comparing by Fiona Phillips (formerly of GMTV apparently). After the quiz prizes have been won there is the very scary prospect of an Eighties Disco! I am not a huge fan of pub quizzes if the truth be known, and being one of life’s bar props, the disco does not really appeal either. All monies raised goes to charity though. I sort of agreed with this girl (who was also going along) to be on her quiz team, so not turning up would be letting her down.

The hostess with the mostest?

2) A Karaoke Final in Sheerwater, in deepest, darkest Surrey. This is the grand finale of a Karaoke Competition that has been going on for about five weeks – think of it as a Woking based version of the X-factor and you have got the idea! This is co-hosted by the voluntary organisation I work for in Chertsey, which is also supplying some of the judges for this momentous event. Not being a singer, the night offers the potential for some games of pool and a few beers. One pretty big negative is trying to find the place – I went there before with two other mates – we got hopelessly lost on the way down to Sheerwater, and since one tree lined Surrey road looks pretty much like any other, the prospects of us being able to find it again are not good! I get the impression that missing this one will also let people down.

So that’s the conundrum. As to which one to go for, pros and cons will have to be weighed up and analysed. If you want to know the final decision, watch this blog space…

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