Snow way!

You won’t need ten guesses to work out what this one is about! Yep, the fair land of New Malden has, like many parts of the UK, been hit with a fairly liberal amount of snowfall. Now whilst all this may look very nice, the practicalities of living with it sucks big time – it basically makes getting around a complete pain in the butt!

Winter wonderland?

Walking around has proven particularly perilous – I have taken a few falls, mainly on the approach to my car, though luckily for me only my pride was hurt – I managed to keel over right at the time when the world and his wife were around to see. A drive into Surbiton wasn’t too bad. Apart from another fall after getting out of the car (the ground was like an ice rink!), it was a case of mission accomplished as I managed to top up my beer supply from the local branch of Sainsburys. The drive back was slowed down as more snow fell from the skies -the quarter of an hour New Malden bound journey was extended to forty five minutes, as the cars were bunching up in second gear.

Another consequence of this festive fall out is that it put paid to my evening out – planned for tonight was an experience of eighties retro music courtesy of the band Fake Tan. The venue for this was a pub in Twickenham, and for once I was not the one selected as the designated driver from my group of friends. Even though it may sound a bit on the cheesy side, it had all the hallmarks of a really good night out. The severe weather warnings soon put paid to that – the person doing the driving considered it too perilous to go.

So that’s about the size of it – I am snowed in here in New Malden. Plans for the entertainment have been down sized to a couple of pints and a DVD. At the moment I am in complete disagreement with legendry crooner Bing Crosby – the prospect of a White Christmas for me is a nightmare!

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