Winding down…

That’s what I am doing at the moment…just chilling out. It’s nice to have a bit of a respite though, as it has been a busy four or five days (apart from the night of the snow of course!)…

Have a good one!

Since the O2 I have been to see another live music gig, though this one wasn’t so high profile – it was at the Willoughby Arms, Kingston, where a friend of mine was providing the musical entertainment. She did a sterling job, singing a few covers mixed in with a bit of her own material. It certainly went down well with the punters.

Christmas Eve saw the usual manic last minute Xmas shopping (yeah I never learn!), and then in the evening I joined my family for a meal at a Chinese restaurant in New Malden.

Today, it’s the usual Christmas thing – food, booze, and Turkey avoidance!

I hope you all have a great Christmas, and whatever you do, stay off them sprouts!

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