Another one bites the dust?

It’s happened again! A while back I posted about the demise of the legendry blogging site Platform 27, which went to the great web space in the sky when its domain name expired. I have just been trying to connect to my blogging birthplace 20six and got the ominous server cannot be found error!

A fatal mouthful?

The site for 20six can be found at

It looks as if it has gone the same way as Platform 27, though I really hope not – I would hate to think of my blogging genesis as no longer inhabiting e-space. It would be a a sad day indeed. Hopefully it is just a temporary problem with the site.

Needless to say if anyone knows what’s happening with it please drop me a line…

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1 Response to Another one bites the dust?

  1. royiii says:

    Had a quick check and it looks like 20six is still there which is a relief.

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