
By the looks of things it is going to be a busy one. For me the Christmas period is usually a very quiet and retrospective time, where the closest I come to exertion is the walk to the kitchen to get another mince pie. It is not looking that way this year – in fact the run up to Yuletide has also been pretty hectic full stop, despite being on annual leave.

Have a good one everybody!

For a start the number of Xmas functions has doubled this year, mainly due to me making more of an effort to attend the ones on offer from the Weybridge voluntary organisation. There was also one for the Kingston Voluntary Organisation, which I think is a bit of a result considering they are currently out of action. Hopefully the Kingston one will be back rocking and rolling next year. I have also been attending more stuff at the Weybridge Voluntary Organisation, and will be broadcasting as usual on Boxing Day, cutting in half the window for indulging in the usual Christmas excesses.

I have been packing in as many squash league games as I can before Yuletide. The results have been a bit mixed, but I am generally happier with my game and the fact that my back problem is not re-occurring. I have lined up another league match in the bank holiday as well, so I won’t have much time for respite.

I have even managed to get 95% of my Christmas Shopping done before December the 24th, which is a real first. At least I have Christmas Day off – believe me, I am looking forward to the rest!

Have a great and merry Christmas everybody – remember, just say ‘no’ to those sprouts!

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