Ringing in the changes?

You never know for sure I guess, but the oncoming festivities certainly bring in a change for me. For the last five or six years I saw in the New Year with some friends out there in Worcester Park, but this time around, partly due to a recent addition to my mates family, this is no longer an option – things move on.

Happy 2011!

This New Years Eve will be spent in a bar in Maple Road, Surbiton – the tickets have already been paid for, although we have been told that we just give our names on the door, which sounds like a bit of a strange system. On offer is a DJ, drinks, and possibly some food, but I am not sure of the last item.  There is also talk that it could be a retro seventies night, but I am just donning my usual party shirt. If any one asks I will talk up my side burns!

The only slight flaw in the evening’s plans is getting back to New Malden from Surbiton. As driving is not really an option I was going to bus it in, but I don’t know how late they run this evening. I do have a plan B and plan C though – Plan B is to walk to Kingston and get the 213 service, which I believe is twenty four hour. Plan C is basically just falling on the sword and walking the whole way back.

Still, whatever happens, it should be interesting. New Years resolutions wise I will just stick to the stuff I was on about last New Year. Some things never change!

Have a very happy and healthy New Year everybody!

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