Sunday night respite!

My Sunday evenings have been following a pretty much pre-defined pattern over the last few years – struggling to be precise I would say for the last five.

The 7th day for me has become one of my radio days, as the Chertsey Radio Station is where my Noughties and Nineties show kicks off from 7pm.

Most of early Sunday is to do with the build up for 19:00 – the features are prepared, CDs are sorted, and getting the materials together in one bag sounds easier than it is – you’re reading of somebody who is scarred by the experience of doing the show prep and  then leaving it at home! Not the recipe for a good programme, as I  probably have blogged about before.

The car is checked to see if there is adequate fuel to allow a drive to Chertsey without an emergency call to the AA, and then that is it – I usually manage to squeeze in a coffee in Wimbledon before setting off for the Radio Station at 6 pm.

So, not the most high octane of Sunday routines then, but it does keep me busy enough. Sometimes it is nice to have a break though, and such an opportunity presented it self very recently….

A friend of mine had got hold of some tickets to see the come back show of Harry Enfield and Paul Whitehouse, two comedians whose TV shows we both followed in the early nineties, and from what she heard, they were going to be some sketches featuring characters they had done in the eighties.

The venue was somewhere I had been before, the Hammersmith Apollo (to see the stage version of the hit TV show ‘Bottom’ before you ask), and the performance was on a Sunday evening, which as I fancied a break from the old Sunday routine, suited me fine.


The only slight blot on the landscape was the £60 ticket price, but if you want to see a popular show, you’ve got to stump up the cash. My friend had done well to get tickets at that price such was the demand.

Cover for my radio show was arranged, and we met up at Wimbledon Station, and made it to Hammersmith in good time. Working our way around that legendary fly over we found a pub for those all important pre-show drinks. I had scampi and chips, and my friend amazed me by voluntarily going for the traditional Christmas dinner with sprouts! I guess there is always someone who actually likes it…..

As expected, the Apollo was packed. We were seated above the stalls, and had a fairly good view of the stage. The show did not disappoint – all the old favourites were there – the old gits, Tim Nice But Dim, the politicians, Michael Pain the nosy neighbour, the slobs, the righteous brothers, the suits you tailors, Smashie and Nicey….everyone from ‘The Fast Show’ as well. My friend was right about the eighties stuff as Loads of money and Stavros were also given an airing.

The two hours flew by.  As a break it made for a very entertaining Sunday. I’d definitely go again, but I’ll probably need to save a bit first….

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