Tag Archives: movies

Warm Woodies Welcome?

The answer to the strap-line above is not really, but it really wasn’t that surprising – it had, after all, been quite a while since I’d last drank at Woodies: As you can tell from the above pics, it is … Continue reading

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Moving movie target?

It’s been a quite a while since I last blogged about movies! I guess I’ve always been a cinema fan – like most of these things it started in childhood – hot dogs, usherettes selling ice cream from trays, those … Continue reading

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Normalising the new normalisation?

The thaw has arrived! Those lockdown restrictions seem to be easing at a rapidly quickening rate, at least for the last three weeks or so, anyway. You won’t be surprised that a recent highlight for me was the reopening of … Continue reading

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Valentine’s Day Waylay!

That’s what was missing from my posts for last month – my annual anti-Valentine’s Day rant! All the signs were there to trigger a real February 14th tirade: My ex-girlfriend was unavailable due to working on Friday the 14th and … Continue reading

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Three tales of Christmas present …

Well, the season to be jolly has been and gone for the big 2019 – below are a couple of heart-warming Christmas scenes from the winter wonderland that is New Malden – enjoy! Yuletide 2019 has been a bit of … Continue reading

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Skewered assured?

I would like to assure regular readers that I am not becoming obsessed with the status and wellbeing of stores within the locales of Surbiton and Kingston, though the following could be taken as further proof of my descent into … Continue reading

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What the Thel?

I didn’t really know what to expect from my most recent trip to the Rose Theatre in sunny Kingston. The thing was my mate who had booked the seats seemed pretty much none the wiser either – the most up-to-date … Continue reading

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Rise of the humans?

One thing I dislike is when I feel I am being ordered around, and this antipathy is increased exponentially when the thing doing the bossing is a machine! A prime example of this is telephone answering systems. We’ve all been … Continue reading

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Going, going … gone?

The way things are looking so far, the answer to the above is a very firm yes. I am talking about the life signs of the Kingston branch of HMV, located on the basement floor of the Bentall Centre: These … Continue reading

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Shot in the heart?

This is the month when I have at least one vitriolic rant against that bane of the modern calendar: Valentine’s Day. That self-professed day of all things lurve is an event that has become rather anathema to me in recent years. … Continue reading

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